Who Are The Leftovers?

Lead Dude Vocals

He has been performing with the Leftovers since the early days, and brings unmatched squirrel energy to the stage at each and every show. We try to keep the leash short, but he will still bring out the occasional cowbell or tambourine from time to time.
Lead Dudette Vocals

She brings exceptional musicianship to the stage with an incredible range spanning ALL the octaves. From Adele to Walk the Moon... From TLC to ACDC to Run DMC! Is there anything she can't do? If there is, we certainly haven't found it yet.
Shredder Extraordinare

Name a more iconic duo: DVH and shredding the frets into a fine, meaty pulp every single night of the week. Fun fact: If the dance floor is too hot, it's probably from the heat radiating off his guitar as he cranks it to 11!
Guitar / Keyboard / Vocals
Synthesizer / Kitchen Sink

You name it, he'll play it! Mr. Swiss Army Knife himself, armed to the gills with any instrument necessary to rock the house down to it's foundation. Church organ, piano, synth stabs, brass, strings - all that stuff you thought to yourself, "There's no way they can play that live" ... Well, think again!

Johnny boy keeps the rest of us tethered to reality during our various trips into and out of the musical upside-down. He always knows just the right time to throw in a "pat boone, debby boone" drum fill for good measure.
Bass Guitar, Vocals

This man is the bedrock of the band. Laying down the grooves Pumping out that phat low end all night, he's got more than enough junk to fill our collective trunks, and then some!
Guitar, Vocals
Live sound

Can often be seen tweaking the various cables, cords, knobs, faders, speakers, lights, tweeters, hooters, and other critical infrastructure that keeps our sound coming out smoothly. If not, he might be manning the ship, singing while his guitar gently weeps... What a renaissance man!
Rhythm Guitar

The newest member of the lineup, holding down the fort as a dedicated rhythm guitarist. No, you're not looking at a reflection - he's a lefty! He's the Luigi to DVH's Mario, and wouldn't have it any other way.